15 Minutes A Day, Gets You All The World's Blockchain News

The world's first daily news show created, presented and published 100% by Artificial Intelligence

Sponsored by Blockchain Coinvestors


Apple Podcasts



Welcome to BlockTalk AI, the world's first daily news show created, presented and published 100% by Artificial Intelligence. We deliver the latest in blockchain technology and investing news, powered entirely by advanced AI:

  • Our AI agents continuously scan the Internet for blockchain news and insights.

  • Our AI studio agents write daily shows bringing you the most current stories.

  • Our AI podcast hosts, Alison AI and Matthew AI, ensure you are always in the know.

Accurate and objective blockchain news without human bias, offering a clear perspective on the latest developments that are shaping global innovation in the Internet of Value.

15 minutes a day, gets you all the world's blockchain news.

BlockTalk AI Vision & Mission

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger technology that securely records and verifies transactions across multiple computers. Each transaction is stored in a "block," and these blocks are linked in chronological order to form a "chain."

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries by providing a secure, transparent, and efficient way to record and verify transactions.

Our Vision & Mission

Our vision is that digital monies, commodities, and assets are inevitable and all of the world’s financial infrastructure must be upgraded.

We envision a world where financial services are more inclusive, supply chains more transparent, healthcare more effective, and democratic processes are resilient.

BlockTalk AI's mission is to deliver the latest in blockchain technology and investing news, powered entirely by advanced AI.


  • In a world of fake news brought to you by media organizations with a local focus, and their own biases, AI can help cut through the noise and isolate what really matters on a global basis.

  • BlockTalk AI scrapes the Internet every day for the most important blockchain news and insights from every corner of the world. While we can't guarantee we won't be hoodwinked by fake news, we ensure each story is supported by numerous news sources, and we work to combat the bias that listening to just one media organization inevitably introduces.

  • Alison AI and Matthew AI are artificial intelligence hosts, based upon real life characters. However, what they say, and how they say it, is 100% determined by the BlockTalk AI platform. No human interference or censorship occurs once our AI's get to work.

  • Every business day with a recurring pattern of themes based upon the day of the week. Check in daily for 15 minutes or less, and you will get all the world's blockchain news.

  • Alison AI and Matthew AI are artificial intelligences created by Fifth Era LLC. The views expressed by them, as well as any guests on this podcast, are solely their own and do not represent the opinions of Fifth Era LLC or the sponsor, Blockchain Coinvestors LLC. These views are generated based on online information and algorithms, not human insight. Both guests and hosts may hold positions in the assets discussed. Any opinions expressed should not be considered as specific inducements to make any particular investment or to follow any specific strategy. These opinions are purely based on AI analysis of online data and are for informational purposes only. Always conduct your own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.